传统的两年制硕士.S. 生物科学方向

The 生物科学理学硕士 is earned through a traditional two-year 程序, which follows the completion of a bachelor's degree in a biology-related field. 在此期间, you will conduct original research and prepare a thesis on any of a variety of topics selected in consultation with your faculty advisor, 谁是你的研究导师.

At UNE we empower you with a comprehensive foundation of knowledge in biological concepts, as well as the research experience needed to enter a career in the biological sciences with confidence.

你受益于我们美丽的比德福德校园, 我们的尖端设施, 还有和老师们密切合作的机会. You will also benefit from the opportunity to be part of a larger community of graduate and professional 学生s in other 程序s in the health and marine sciences.

你将学习什么? M.S. 生物科学课程

BIO 503 -研究方法3
生物510 -研究生研讨会1
BIO 590的26个学分-研究 & 论文(重复以获得额外学分)26+

*生物科学硕士.S. 学生s may request to substitute research credits for coursework with approval from their thesis advisor. A formal written request must be submitted to the Graduate Program Committee (GPC), 包括请求的理由. If approved by the GPC, 学生s will submit a Course Substitution Form (available on the 书记官长办公室 网页), which requires approval by the 生物科学学院 Academic Director and by the CAS Dean, 为毕业做准备.

4 + 1轨道- M.S. 生物科学

If you are a current UNE undergraduate 学生, the UNE 生物科学 4+1 B.S./M.S. track allows you to complete your undergraduate and master's degrees in a total of five years. 作为一名合格的正规澳门赌场网络本科生,本课程将使您获得硕士学位.S. 学位,要求与“两年制”硕士相同.S. 生物科学专业 (described above) through an expedited process that begins during your senior year of undergraduate work.

你将在第四年完成大部分硕士课程, 同时也在做你的论文项目. Your fifth year will be spent finishing your research and writing your thesis.

要参加4+1课程,你必须是正规澳门赌场网络的本科生,成绩为3.5总体G.P.A.,和一个3.5 G.P.A. 在所有的数学和科学课程中. You are not required to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) prior to enrollment. 然而, you must receive sponsorship from a faculty member in the 生物科学学院 who will serve as your thesis advisor. You can declare your intent to enroll in the 程序 as early as the second semester of your sophomore year or as late as the second semester of your junior year.

Application forms are available from prospective faculty advisors in the 生物科学学院.

M.S. 生物科学研究

无论是4+1课程还是两年制硕士课程的学生.S. 在这个项目中,你会和一位教师导师一起进行研究.  

如果你在4+1的轨道上,你在B阶段找到了你的导师.年代的研究. You should begin conducting research on a project that will become your thesis project by your fourth year but can start earlier.

对于两年的M.S. 程序, you are required to identify faculty you would like to work with at the time you apply, and are strongly encouraged to contact faculty members directly early on in the process to discuss potential research opportunities.  

描述与指导教师的研究机会.S. 学生名单如下. You can click on the faculty member’s name to find additional information and details on how to contact them.

  • 克里斯汀·伯克霍尔德博士.D.、微生物学
    • Studies the interaction of bacterial pathogens with their environment and host cells by employing techniques of classical microbiology, 分子生物学, 细胞培养, 和显微镜.  
  • 杰夫·甘特博士.D.神经遗传学
    • 采用遗传, 微观, and behavior analysis approaches to identify targets for future pain medications.
  • 珍·加西亚博士.D.分子遗传学
    • 使用技术,如北方印迹, 新一代测序, 免疫印迹, 分子克隆, 定量聚合酶链反应, 显微镜, and yeast genetics to understand mechanisms that regulate gene expression in response to stress
  • 雷雷,博士. D.分子生物学
    • Studies developmental neurobiology and molecular evolution using molecular and bioinformatic tools
  • Jeff Parmelee博士.D.,爬虫学
    • 研究两栖动物和爬行动物生态学, including the monitoring of 人口s through fieldwork and citizen science initiatives
  • 厄休拉·罗斯博士.D.、化学生态学
    • 研究植物间的化学相互作用, 昆虫, and microorganisms as well as applications that involve testing of plant compounds against human pathogens — using extractions and head space collections, 还有分析有机化合物的仪器, including Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection (GC-FID) and Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
  • 史蒂夫·特拉维斯博士.D. 分子生态学
    • Equipped with a DNA sequencer and related instrumentation suitable for genetic analysis of individual, 人口, 物种, 以及社区层面的多样性和关系.
  • 格雷格·佐格博士.D. 全球变化生态学
    • 研究人类活动对植物的影响, 微生物, 以及使用现场和实验室技术的生物地球化学循环, 包括营养通量的测量和微生物DNA的测序


M的职业道路.S. 生物科学专业毕业生

Our master's 程序 graduates have pursued many different careers and doctoral degrees, including:

  • 环境管理水资源人员
  • 高级研究员
  • 研究实验室经理
  • Ph.D. 在教育
  • Ph.D. 在神经科学


One of the benchmarks of graduate-level work is the publication of one’s research in a scientific journal.


* * * *.S. 学生

Who can apply to the 生物科学理学硕士 degree 程序?

应用到我们的M.S. 生物科学 degree 程序, you must hold a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. 地区认可的机构或国际同等机构.



通过贷款、助学金和奖学金资助你的教育. We are committed to making our physician assistant degree 程序 as affordable as possible.

M.S. 生物科学的学费和经济援助

